April 20, 2009

Natural Jumping Method - Week 8

For week 8, we move up to four oxers. The pattern is vertical, oxer, oxer, oxer, oxer. Jump heights are still set at 10 inches and distances are still 90 inches for Auggie's two-stride length per the calculations in the book.

He learns a lot faster in this video than he has in previous weeks. By the last jump in day 1 he's running smooth and fast - save the last jump, which he still stuttersteps up to. On day 2 he drops a few bars, but notably, during jump 5 he actually doesn't stutterstep up to the last jump! I have no idea what the difference is, because he goes back to doing it in the next jump and during all of day 3. WEIRD DOG.
Hopefully time will even out the issue here. I'm the kind of person who likes to know the "why" behind stuff though so I'd really like to know WHY he is still stutterstepping the final jump and only the final jump. I may never know, but I would LIKE to know, haha.

April 8, 2009

Natural Jumping Method - Weeks 7

Week 7 is a series of five jumps with three oxers. The pattern is vertical, oxer, oxer, vertical, oxer.

LOTS of stutter-stepping as he tries to navigate this series. About halfway through day 2 he starts to even out as he figures out how to adjust, though during his fifth run he ends up stutterstepping WAY too close up to the bar and has to pop up over it... and if you pause it at just the right moment he's making a hilarious face as a result. Day 3 goes pretty well, but I notice that he's consistently stutterstepping up the last bar. I'm not really sure why that is - if it's a matter of him not seeing another obstacle beyond the final jump, so he makes some kind of weird adjustment for some reason? I honestly can't figure out why he would do this. It's interesting, anyway.